I am proud of myself, elated to be one amongst the gang of Womaniya, the female sex but not definitely the weaker sex. To call woman the weaker sex is derogatory; it is man’s injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man? If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater courage?
Gone are the cliché days when women were considerate as a doormat. Today she is not any more an inferior counterpart but at par with a man .Without her man could not be. If non-violence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?
Woman, I believe, is the personification of self-sacrifice, but unfortunately today she does not realize what a tremendous advantage she has over man. Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to participate in very minutest detail in the activities of man and she has an equal right of freedom and liberty with him. She is entitled to a supreme place in her own sphere of activity as man is in his. This ought to be the natural condition of things and not as a result only of learning to read and write. Woman has circumvented man in a variety of ways in her unconsciously subtle ways, as man has vainly and equally unconsciously struggled to thwart woman in gaining ascendancy over him.
I believe that the right education in this country is to teach woman the art of saying ‘no’ even to her husband, to teach her that it is no part of her duty to become a mere tool or a substitute in the house. She has rights as well as duties. I believe this is possible only by giving proper education to a woman.
But I do believe that woman will not make her contribution to the world by mimicking or competition with men. She can run the race, but she will not rise to the great heights she is capable of by mimicking man. She has to be the complement of man.
Today, a woman is known as a wonder woman, super woman and rather an Iron Lady. The care of the children, and the upkeep of the household are quite enough to fully engage all her energy. The woman who knows and fulfills her duty realizes her dignified status. She is the queen, not the slave, of the household over which she presides.
For woman is more fitted than man to make explorations and take bolder action in all walks of life. For the courage of self-sacrifice woman is any- day superior to man, as I believe man is to woman for the courage of the brute. Motherhood is the best blessing bestowed on a woman by God. She shows it as she carries the infant and feeds it during nine months and derives joy in the suffering involved. What can beat the suffering caused by the pangs of labour? But she forgets them in the joy of creation. The duty of motherhood, which the vast majority of women will always undertake, requires qualities which man need not possess. She is passive, he is active. She is essentially mistress of the house. He is the bread-winner, she is the keeper and distributor of the bread. She is the care-taker in every sense of the term. The art of bringing up the infants of the race is her special and sole prerogative. Without her care the race must become extinct.
It is here when we talk of Work Life Balance. All empowered woman supported by their education finds a perfect balance between her family and her job. Today’s woman is financially independent, courageous, good decision maker and sails through her life comfortably without any support.
In my opinion, whether we talk about a House wife or a Working woman, the main principles applies everywhere because both areas are equally challenging and demanding. It’s just a thought process how you deal with the things. Lets not forget our great Indian Women from the history books and at present too who have carved a niche for themselves in the society.
The sin will be on man’s head for tempting or compelling his companion to desert her wishes, ambition and desires due to chauvinism. On the contrary, it is appreciated that both try to initiate to run the house together with mutual trust, understanding ,faith and respect for each other.
I expect love and toleration in a higher degree from women than from men, be it our grandmothers ,mothers, sisters, daughters or ourselves. I wonder where they are drifting and what women will or can teach their children if their hearts are permeated with hate. Nature has created both man and woman as complements of each other. It is my firm conviction that a fearless woman, who knows that her purity is her best shield can never be dishonoured. However beastly the man, he will bow in shame before the flame of her dazzling purity.
In a nutshell, with no offence to male counterparts, I believe that a woman has all capabilities to be the boss .She is multitasking as a daughter in law, wife, mother, sister, bhabhi and also as a boss ,an employee in a certain organization. That too without bringing any negativities. She is firm, determined and headfast with her aim not to forget her family duties. I believe the win win game is when she is able to strike a cordial bond both at her family and workplace by giving due respect to her husband, children, in-laws and the boss, co workers in her organization. I firmly feel that respect is not demanded but commanded.
This article doesn’t boast of a supremacy of a woman over a man but certainly brings further a notion that a woman can also be treated as the Man of the house amicably with all due respect from all the family members and the society.
Authored by: Shelly Bisht