Reflect and rejuvenate to deal with a mental block

Ever wondered why choices like what to watch on Netflix or what cuisine to order online are such painstaking decisions? Because your brain is overwhelmed by the sheer number of possibilities. It is something similar that happens when an individual experiences a mental block.

Indecisiveness, anxiety,  feeling of being stuck with no way of escape and of being utterly helpless about situations you are in, are the harrowing thoughts that can make the world the bleakest place to live in. And yet coming out of this situation is all in your control!

Reflect and Rejuvenate

Signs of indecisiveness or overwhelming thoughts flooding your mind are usually just the tip of the iceberg. Allowing yourself live in such a state for long , may lead to serious situations like forgetfulness, loss of appetite, lack of motivation , to mention a few. There are many thought-patterns that may lead to a mental block. And some of these patterns are very deep-rooted. The only way to get out of a block is by doing a complete reset.

Whenever you find yourself not being able to focus, agitated, and just generally indecisive, give yourself a break. And breathe.  This very simple step will be essential in giving you the time you need to reflect on what you feel and work on it.

It may seem pretty difficult a task to pull yourself out of an overwhelming situation and actually take a break . You need to genuinely take an effort to dissociate your thoughts which are disturbing you.

Retrospection can be a very effective tool in such situations…..

Calling some old friend…

Listening to the old tunes …..

Flipping pages of the old photo albums…..

Or just sit in a relaxed posture, close your eyes and LISTEN……….listen to each and every sound reaching your ears and try to sync with your heart beat.

 Try out these tools to rejuvenate yourself.

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