Mother – A Bond Beyond Words

Mother – A Bond Beyond Words

By: Sonia Achantani

It is said that because God could not reach out everywhere he made mom so that in this form he could be with all his children. Maa a small and sweet word has lots of love, care, feelings wrapped within.

She knows everything about her child from the time the child is in her womb, every little thing, mood swings, it is she who knows how to reach out to her child’s heart to make him/her a happy soul. She stays awake with the food in a plate when they get late and if  she is away from them she calls to know if they reached safely, have they eaten anything after all this she goes to sleep with thoughts of how she can make them feel comfortable the next day.

On the occasion of Mothers’ Day I would like to tell my mom how special she is to me and what she really means to me. I love you lots and may be not very often I say but you mean a world to me. Maybe I shared a very special bond with my dad but it was you who taught me to love him so much as I saw you doing the same. She always knew I am a Papa’s girl but still she curdled me with protection without any expectation, she always stood by me as a support without cribbing that dad got more importance. Like this is every mom I suppose.

Happy Mothers’ Day   Love You Maa

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