Fight the fear


Fear  is the biggest enemy of our success. We fear to fail, we fear to be judged by others , to become cornered or marked.


A very fruitful way to get away from your fears is by listing them down.

If you are aspiring to do something different and you are fearful of taking the first step , just sit down in a calm environment and spend some time introspecting.

Try to figure out what or who is stopping you from moving ahead or changing the direction of your life.

Is it a single factor ? Or many ?…try to jot down the points which pulls you back in the form of fear.

Your past failures, some shown (not known) facts by your elders , fun made by friends, or just yourself, who keeps discouraging your beliefs by negative self talks ?

Once you figure out where the devil is , its very easy to wipe it out.


My Story: Whenever there has been a set back I used to give excuses of my situation or the people who had something or the other role to play in my failure.

Now that I could actually come out of all my set backs and move ahead of any fear , is when I started taking the Ownership of everything …I know I ,and only I, am responsible for any set-back which comes in the way of my success , hence I can only do something about that.

This shift in mindset helped me introspecting better and turn all my fear into my gear to speed up towards my goal.


Now I tell you the secret- the devil lies in you… you can discard all outside negative factors easily but then also seem to be discouraged and de-motivated because you have been so long fighting with the outbound fears, once you cut your inbound fear , the fear within you will come out victorious.

For destroying your inner fear do what fears you most.


Take shower in ice cold water if you are scared of cold water

Play that game which you have always run away from

Face and talk to the person whom you have avoided for some reason


Actually you can find your own way of peeling , chopping and throwing out your fears

Excerpts from my book #Me-Myself-Mom

Sarbari Dutta


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